- Document Library
- Exclusions
- Tools, resources and training
- Transitions
- Referral forms
- Welcome to News on the Kirklees Local Offer
- Summer holidays programme for young people aged 16-24 with SEND
- Local Offer facebook page has launched!
- TAO Activities
- HTAFC Foundation -Summer camps and Kicks program
- New Search Function
- Big investment proposed for Kirklees special schools
- Have your say!
- Parents Online
- Government SEND review letter
- Inclusion North Safe Spaces
- Kirklees Educational Psychology discuss issue of ‘school anxiety’ on BBC Look North
- How Can The Accessible Homes Team Help Children With SEND
- Huddersfield Town Foundation Inclusive Sports Sessions
- Local Offer listening events
- Educational Psychology
- Fostering
- Private Fostering Information
- Parent/Carer Survey On The SEND And Alternative Provision Green Paper
- Inclusive High Quality Teaching toolkit
- Developing Special Educational Needs (SEND) provision in mainstream schools - Have your say!
- Ofsted and CQC launch consultation
- Public consultation on SEND proposals for local schools
- Investing in children and young people with additional needs
- New report on how we worked alongside schools to support pupils during Covid-19 pandemic and how this will help inform the future of learning in Kirklees.
- My Family Creates - free online creative activities for SEND families
- Parent Sanctuary - Schools out
- Ambitious new plans for children with SEND will move ahead
- Northorpe Hall Free Online Workshops
- Made By Dyslexia
- I need help with my child
- Down Syndrome act
- Whats going on in the Ashbrow & Birkby Community?
- Joseph Norton stakeholder consultation
- New ARP proposals
- Fabulous Free Online Courses from Solihull Approach
- Have your say on school proposals
- Proposals to make changes to provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Health Education England - Autism Peer Education for Parents and Carers
- The ToothPASTE study
- Are you worried about serious youth violence, crimes and gangs?
- We want your views!
- January SEND Newsletter
- Specialist Outreach
- Additionally Resourced Provisions
- Special Schools
- Alternative Provision
- Neurodiversity Week Monday - ADHD
- Neurodiversity Week Thursday - Dyslexia
- Parent To Parent SEN focus evening
- 2023 Local Offer Survey Results
- Children missing education (and international new arrivals)
- National association for special educational needs (NASEN)
- Help with school attendance (Education safeguarding)
- Kirklees Virtual School for children and young people in care
- External resources
- Deaf aware teaching
- Local Offer training video
- Education Endowment Foundation EEF resources
- Autism Education Trust (AET) resources
- ACES - Adverse childhood experiences training
- Mental Health and behaviour in schools guidance
- Person Centred planning tools
- Movement resources
- Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Advice for schools
- Developing Highly Effective Teaching and Learning for Pupils with SEND
- Transition in and between schools and settings for young people with SEND
- Early years foundation stage (EYFS)
- Small steps progress tracking materials
- Essential facts about private fostering
- Inclusive High Quality Teaching Audit Tool
- Graduated Approach
- Support Plans (I-APDR, MSP's & IEP's)
- Social Care/Early Support - My Support Plan checklist for schools
- Learning plans (IEPS etc) and provision maps
- PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)
- Kirklees MAPP (Making Action Plans Personal)
- The Conditions for Inclusion for Learners with SEND
- Targeted provision for learners with complex needs, possibly requiring an EHCP
- The 4 Areas of Need
- What is Inclusive High Quality Teaching and why is it so important?
- Inclusive High-Quality Teaching resources
- Local Offer facebook
- Letting people know you may need help (including the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme)
- How to deal with meltdowns
- Kirklees SEND Newsletter September 2023 - Specialist Outreach Team
- Introducing Councillor Reynolds
- Early Years
- Have your say on places at Woodley School and College
- Proposals to expand Woodley School and College
- Kirklees Keep in Mind Engagement
- 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Daisy Chain
- Parent To Parent Event
- Proposed changes to Post 16 Transport
- Kirklees Additionally Resourced Provisions (ARP's)
- Introducing Our Voice Team
- Home to School Travel Consultation
- Project Search Graduation
- Come along to official launch of Blossom
- Special Schools
- Exclusions and autism
- Children and young people’s neurodevelopmental assessment service update
- Small steps guides
- Emotion coaching
- What about other Local Authorities?
- Go Higher Education
- Managed moves to another school
- PFA best practice checklists
- Neurodiversity Week Tuesday - ASC/Autism
- Bullying
- Joseph Norton Academy
- Dingley's Promise SEND Training
- Early years MSP guidance
- Young Leaders Course 2023
- Ambitious About Autism
- Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery and Wellbeing College Courses.
- Protecting children from online hate, extremism, and fake news
- Exam Support
- Helping young people with SEND stay safe online
- Neurodiversity Week Wednesday - Dyspraxia
- Introducing Blossom! Woodley College Post 16 offer
- Advocacy
- Yorkshire Sport Foundation - Activity finder
- New school to bring another boost for local education
- Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity (PINS) Pilot
- Expansion to go ahead for Kirklees special school
- Introducing the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
- Neurodevelopmental Family Navigator Service
- Woodley School increasing capacity
- New school to bring another boost for local education (1)
- Short Breaks redesign
- Short Break and Respite Services Consultation (20th November – 2nd January 2024)
- Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
- Local Offer Live 2024! (New date)
- Exclusions advice for schools
- Changes To Thriving Kirklees
- Cognition & Learning (C&L)
- Communication & Interaction (CCI or SLCN)
- SEARCHin for interns
- Suspensions & Permanent Exclusions
- EHC Assessment & Review
- Choose your own theme for the Local Offer!
- Happy Healthy Relationships Courses for people with Learning Difficulties
- Calling all football fans! (and wannabe fans!) Help make the John Smith Stadium more accessible.
- Alternative Provision (for school professionals)
- Cluster funding model to support pupils with additional needs
- Health - My Support Plan checklist for schools
- EOTAS - Education other than at school
- Reduced (part-time) timetables in school
- Help in the Early Years
- Free Learning and Childcare for 2, 3-and 4-year-old children
- 50 Things To Do Before You’re Five
- Personal Budgets and Direct Payments explained
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- What if you are worried about a child?
- New events for SENDCOs - SENDCo Solutions
- Refocusing on ADHD in Education - resources
- My Support Plan information and guidance
- My Support Plans downloads
- Individual Assess, Plan, Do, Review (I-APDR)
- Where a learner has an EHCP, what are our additional responsibilities within the Graduated Approach?
- PFA Outcomes and Provision
- What does preparing for adulthood (PFA) mean?
- Transitions - moving between schools
- SEND Assessment and Intervention tools
- Kirklees Specialist Outreach
- The Graduated Approach - Assess, Plan, Do, Review
- School refusal and anxiety
- How to get childcare for a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Special Education Needs and Disability funding (SENDIF and DAF)
- Social Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH)
- Inclusion Counts
- Kirklees EP Service
- SENDCO Training
- Sensory & Physical (VI, HI and PI)
- EHCP Reviews
- PCAN Cuppa & Chat Dates
- Neurodiversity Week Friday - Dyscalculia
- Launch of Inclusion Guidance
- Autism, ADHD, Learning Disability (LD) Health Information
- Being healthy and happy
- Choose your own theme!
- Common Concerns
- Early Years & Childcare
- Easy Read
- Easy Read (New)
- Becoming an adult
- Getting your flu jab
- Going to My Annual Health Check Online
- Going to the dentists
- Health checks at the Doctor's
- How to stay safe online
- Making decisions and the law
- The Law and Special Needs
- What is Access to Work?
- What is ADHD?
- What is the Local Offer?
- What to do if something bad happens
- Educational Settings (nurseries, schools, colleges and university)
- Education for excluded children and those who cannot attend school (Alternative Provision - AP)
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's)
- Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
- Local Offer facebook
- Feedback
- 2023 Local Offer Survey results
- How do we use your feedback?
- "How has the Local Offer helped" Survey Results Jan21-Jan22
- Local Offer Survey
- "New Site" Local Offer Survey Results Dec2020-Jun2021
- Parent meeting feedback
- Finance & Benefits
- General Information & Advice
- Getting a job
- Getting support in educational settings
- Health
- Health for all
- Help for families
- How we plan for those with SEND
- I am new to SEND
- Important information
- About the Local Offer
- Complaints about schools, children's services and the Local Offer
- Contact us
- Cookie declaration
- How to use the Local Offer
- Inclusion Support Offer Privacy Policy
- PCG Privacy Policy
- Information and Advice
- Activity links
- Activities
- Additional needs register
- Additional Needs Register
- Assistive Technology
- Immersive Reader
- Mac (Apple) accessibility features
- Autism, ADHD & LD health services for all
- A-Z of specific conditions
- Acquired brain injuries (ABI)
- Angelman syndrome
- Attachment (including attachment disorder)
- Autism - videos about everyday situations
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Complex communication & interaction difficulties (CCI)
- Down's syndrome
- Dyscalculia
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia or DCD
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Learning disabilities (including PMLD)
- Multi Sensory Impairment (MSI)
- Neurodiversity
- Physical Impairment
- Sensory needs
- Social, emotional & mental health difficulties (SEMH) - including behaviour
- Specific Learning Difficulties (including Dyslexia and Dyspraxia)
- Tourette's
- Visual impairment (blindness and sight problems)
- Easy Read Guides
- Easy Read
- Educational Settings (nurseries, schools, colleges etc)
- Additionally Resourced Provisions - ARP's
- Applying for a school place for a child with SEND
- Independent educational settings outside of Kirklees (Section 41 Approved Schools and Natspec)
- Mainstream colleges and training providers
- Schools search
- Special Schools and settings
- Transferring from college to Higher Education & getting support (including DSA)
- Types of Mainstream Educational Settings
- Education for those who cannot attend school (Alternative Provision - AP)
- Academy 21 (online tuition)
- Employability Solutions
- Fresh Futures - Brian Jackson College
- Overview of Alternative Provision (AP)
- Targeted Provision
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's)
- Careers support for young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- Disagreements, tribunals and appeals
- EHCP reviews
- How long does my Education, Health and Care plan last?
- How to apply for an EHC Needs Assessment (EHCNA)
- Moving to a new local authority and EHCP's
- Personal budgets (Education)
- Questions from families about EHCP's
- What does "The Legal Test" mean?
- Finance and benefits
- Adult social care financial assessment (means testing)
- Benefits calculator
- Carers Allowance
- Cost of Living Help
- Council Tax
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
- Disabled Facilities Grants
- Finance & benefits - overview
- Housing Benefit
- Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
- New style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Tax Credits
- Universal Credit
- Wills and Trusts
- Getting a job
- Access to work
- Careers information
- Looking for work if you have SEND
- Preparing for employment
- Support to help you find a job if you have SEND (Project Search, REAL. Richmond Fellowship and Kirklees College)
- Getting support in Educational Settings
- Cluster Working in Kirklees
- Educational Psychology (EP) Service
- The Kirklees Specialist Outreach Teams
- Grants & trusts
- Grants and charities you can apply to - overview
- Having a life and being part of society
- Health services for all
- Adaptions to your home (Accessible Homes Team)
- Chat Health
- Children Development Centre's (CDC)
- Dental care for young people with SEND
- Easy Health - Easy read resources
- Find a GP
- Find a hospital
- Health visiting and school nursing
- Helping people with SEND be healthy & active - guidance for parents/carers
- Moving from children's to adult health services
- Safer Moving and Handling Advice for Parents and Carers
- Sexual health under 18's
- Starting Well - Speech, Language and Communication videos
- Help for families
- Care for adults with additional needs (Shared Lives)
- Carers Assessment
- Children with a Disability Service (CWD)
- Children with a Disability Service eligibility criteria
- Getting social care support as an adult
- Getting social care support for a child
- Homestart Kirklees
- Kirklees Youth Justice Service
- Moving from children's to adult social care
- Relationship Matters - Helping families understand and build healthy relationships.
- Short Breaks & Respite
- The Early Support Service
- Holiday and travel information
- Accessible holidays
- Grants for holidays
- Holiday guide for children and young people with SEND
- Holiday resorts for children with SEND
- Motability Accessible Britain guide
- Housing and living options
- Care homes
- Independent living
- Supported living
- How we plan for SEND
- How do we create the Local Offer?
- Kirklees Accessibility Strategy
- SEND - The Big Plan!
- SEND Transformation Plan
- Who makes decisions for my child in Kirklees?
- Know your rights
- Council for Disabled Children - legal handbook
- Introduction to the SEND Code Of Practice
- Making choices when you have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - The Mental Capacity Act
- Parents Guide to the SEND Code of Practice
- The Care Act
- The Children's and Families Act
- The Equality Act
- The SEND code of practice
- Local area inspection 2022
- 2022 Kirklees Local Area SEND inspection
- Local Offer Videos
- Local Offer Videos
- Local SEND Activities
- Neuro Navigator Service
- New to SEND
- Getting support in Educational Settings
- How to use the Local Offer
- Jargon Buster (A-Z)
- Kirklees SEND Local Offer booklet
- What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)?
- What is the Local Offer
- What to do if you think your child has SEND (support from schools)
- Our Voice
- Our Voice
- Passes and cards
- Passes & cards - overview
- Post 16 options
- What does education look like after 16?
- Preparing for Adulthood - general information
- Easy read guide to preparing for adulthood
- Getting support with preparing for adulthood (if you have an EHCP)
- Helping young people to be independent - The Community Enablement Team
- Parents & Carers guide to preparing for adulthood
- Preparing for adulthood checklist
- What does preparing for adulthood (PfA) mean?
- School transport
- School crossing patrols
- Specialist Autism, ADHD & LD services
- Kirklees adult learning disability health service
- Specialist health services (including Children's Therapy Services)
- Adults therapy team - Speech and Language, Physio, Occupational Therapy
- Annual health checks and staying healthy
- Children's Epilepsy Team
- Children's Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Children's Physiotherapy
- Children's therapy services overview (SALT, OT and Physio)
- Community nursing
- Dietician (for children, young people and adults)
- Help to find an independent Speech and Language therapists
- Hospital passports and help at hospitals
- Moving from Children's to Adults health care - Continuing Health Care
- Sensory Occupational Therapy
- Speech & Language Therapy (SALT)
- The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
- Toileting
- Wheelchair services
- Specialist wellbeing and mental health services
- Adults Mental Health Services
- Travel advice and support
- Autism and transport
- Blue badge scheme
- Changing Places Toilet Map
- Disabled and blind persons travel permit
- Disabled persons railcard
- Having a life and being part of society
- Transport if you are disabled
- Travel training if you have SEND
- Wellbeing and mental health services for all
- How to talk to your children about their feelings and spotting the early signs
- Mental Health Apps
- My Mental Health Passport (MyMHP)
- Young minds
- ISO Blog
- ISO Support for NON-SCHOOL professionals
- The ISO - Help for SENDCO's and education professionals -
- ISO Blog
- How the Local Offer and ISO have helped
- ISO visit to Birdsedge First School
- ISO visit to Park Road
- ISO visit to Upper Batley Boys High School - Horticulture
- ISO visit to Windmill CofE Primary - Specialist Provision
- SENCO survey on information sharing and networking.
- Watch this space! More coming soon
- Kirklees SEND Newsletters
- Kirklees SEND Newsletters
- Know Your Rights - Legal Information about SEND
- Local Offer Live
- Local Offer Live 2024 - Workshops
- Local Offer Reports
- What is the Local Offer Annual report?
- Not found
- Relationships
- Search
- Search activities
- Search events
- Search services
- Sitemap
- Specialist Health Services
- Specialist wellbeing and mental health services
- Staying Safe
- Surveys
- Travel, Transport & Getting Out
- Wellbeing and mental health services for all
- Young people pages
- Drugs - How to keep yourself safe
- Fun stuff to do
- You Said, We Did
- What is "You Said, We Did"
- You said, we did 2019
- You said, we did 2020
- You said, we did 2021
- You said, we Did 2022
- You said, we did 2023