- If there is a C+K careers adviser in your son/daughters school you can request an appointment for them via the careers lead in school
- If there is not a C+K careers adviser in school you can ask the careers lead in school who their careers adviser is and request an appointment via them
- You can also contact C+K Careers for information advice and guidance via the website https://ck.mydirections.co.uk/ (opens link in new window) or via our digital chat service:
- Local Offer Home
- Information and Advice
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's)
Careers support for young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
C+K Careers provide careers information, advice and guidance for children and young people with SEND across Kirklees. This includes advice about colleges, employment and where appropriate moving into adult social care.
C+K Careers have Careers Advisers operating in secondary special schools, helping young people with their transition to further education, training, work or social care. We can also support young people to access other opportunities such as supported internships and volunteering.
C+K Careers Chat
This is a service for young people to call for careers support, advice and guidance on:
- college or sixth form
- exams
- future options
- apprenticeships and training
- applications, CVs and interviews
- employment skills
- work and volunteering
- health
- money, housing, family worries and more
There's lots of ways to get in touch and it's open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Ring 01484 213856
Email chat@ckcareers.org.uk
Ring 01484 213856
Email chat@ckcareers.org.uk
Can you help me get a job?
C&K Careers can help you to look for volunteering opportunities which can sometimes lead to a job or to other opportunities including:
- Supported Internships
- Traineeships
- Apprenticeships
More information about help to get a job can be found in the Employment Options area of Preparing for Adulthood (opens new page).
What about those who can’t go to work or college?
For some young people with profound disabilities and learning needs, going into employment or further education is not a realistic option.
Where a young person (18+) and their family decide that a social care route would be the most appropriate next step, we can support them to make a referral for support via Community Health and Social Care.
Community Health and Social Care will support you in making a referral to the Specialist Adult Pathway Team within Social Care. At this point, the support from C+K Careers would end and the Specialist Adult Pathway Team would take over looking at the most appropriate support and setting available.
For more information please go to the transferring to adult social care Local Offer page (opens new page).
For some young people with profound disabilities and learning needs, going into employment or further education is not a realistic option.
Where a young person (18+) and their family decide that a social care route would be the most appropriate next step, we can support them to make a referral for support via Community Health and Social Care (formerly known as Gateway to Care).
Community Health and Social Care will support you in making a referral to the Specialist Adult Pathway Team within Social Care. At this point, the support from C&K careers would end and the Specialist Adult Pathway Team would take over looking at the most appropriate support and setting available.
For more information please go to the transferring to adult social care Local Offer page (opens new page).