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Adult social care financial assessment (means testing)

A financial assessment or means test works out if the council will pay towards your care. It looks at how much money you have.

Generally, the council helps to pay for care costs if you have savings less than £23,250.

A health and social care assessment is carried out by social services to find out what help and support you need - like healthcare, equipment, help in your home or residential care.

Services can include:

  • home care help with things like cleaning and shopping
  • disability equipment and adaptations to your home
  • day centres to give you or the person who cares for you a break
  • day care for your child
  • help with parenting, such as parenting classes
  • care homes

Your local NHS service, Citizens Advice Bureau (opens link in new window) or a charity might be able to help you apply for a needs assessment.


Last updated: 06/11/2020