Accessibility Statement

You said, we did 2023

The comments below are from the 2022 Local Offer report, we have used these comments to help shape the new Kirklees Local Offer.  We want to continue to work with you on the further development of the Local Offer to make it what you want it to be.  If you would like to make a comment, please use the comment buttons at the bottom of any Local Offer page or send us an email at or call 01484 416919. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

(January 2023)

 “There is a missing link under the SENDACT”  

"We have edit the missing link on the page "


(February  2023)"The links are not working to connect to the main council sites" this comment was left on "getting social care support as a adult" page  

"We have checked over the page stated and correct all broken links  "


(February  2023)"Real employment state that to use their services the individual must have a IQ of 70 please can we see if this is still correct as how are you to know what the individual IQ is" 

"We have spoken with REAL employment and they have confirmed that this is no longer correct information and we have removed this from the service information  "


(March2023)" We would like to see information about sexual exploitation and what to do" 

"We have now created a page in the Young peoples section around sexual exploitation  "


(April 2023)" We would like to see information about street drugs, what they look like and what they do to us and nicknames" 

"We have now created a page in the Young peoples section around drugs using information for the base website "

Last updated: 22/02/2023