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Additional Needs Register

The Kirklees Additional Needs Register (ANR) is the Kirklees name for the Children's Disability Register.

This is a list of children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs and/or disabilities in Kirklees. Registration is voluntary; however, the information you provide will give us a clearer picture of special educational needs and disability in Kirklees and helps us to plan for services.

When you sign up for the ANR you can also choose to sign up to the termly Kirklees SEND newsletter (opens link in new window). This newsletter can also be accessed via the Local Offer.

You can register using the Digital Kirklees Additional Needs Register page (opens link in new window)

Applications can be made by:

  • a parent, carer or guardian of a child or young person with special educational needs and/or disabilities
  • a young person, if they are over 16

To be on the register you must:

  • be aged between 0 and 25 years of age
  • live in Kirklees or be the responsibility of Kirklees Council
  • have a special educational need and/or disability
Last updated: 30/11/2021