All About Us
Our speech and language therapists (SLTs) work with children aged 0-18 years who have difficulty talking and understanding and some may also have difficulty feeding and swallowing. The children we work with may have difficulty:
- Listening to others
- Understanding words and instructions
- Talking in words and sentences
- Using clear speech
- Getting on with others
- Stammering
- Eating, drinking & swallowing
We assess children and young people’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
There are many reasons why children may have such difficulties and we might offer support to children in clinic, schools or at home.
Who is this service for?
We support children and families living in the North of Kirklees which covers Batley, Cleckheaton, Dewsbury, Liversedge, Heckmondwike, Ravensthorpe and Mirfield.
We support children and young people aged 0-16 with an identified or suspected speech, language and communication need and those with feeding and swallowing difficulties.
We can provide advice and support for children who may require visual means to support their understanding and /or communication such as objects of Reference, Makaton signing, photos or symbols, Communication passports
For children who may require a more complex communication system we can refer to and work with the Local Area Assistive technology Team in Barnsley. More information can be found on their website (opens in new window)
How to access what we do?
You can refer into our team via the Locala website (opens in new window) or contact us on 0300 304 5555.
We have an open referral policy which means anyone can refer to the service including parents / carers. When we receive a referral it will be looked at by a Speech and Language Therapist before it is accepted.
When a referral is accepted you will be contacted by letter and will then be invited to attend an assessment session with your child in clinic or sometimes in school / nursery.
You are welcome to stay and take part in the sessions, but it would be better if you can manage it, to leave other children at home when you come to an appointment.
Locala Speech and Language Therapy offers NHS services and there is no cost.
We are happy to be contacted on the phone to discuss your child’s needs
Criteria for a referral being accepted
It is important for parents and carers to know that Locala require evidence to be provided such as an IEP, Provision Map, ANP, MSP etc (more information about what these are can be found on this support plan Local Offer page - opens in new window).
These plans need to have been reviewed by the school twice and Locala state that they will not accept any referrals which do not have this evidence provided unless the referral is for a stammering or voice problem.
If a referral is sent in but it does not meet the criteria, Locala may recommend that the school follows the Kirklees Quality First Teaching guidelines for working with children with communication difficulties.
This guidance can be found in this Kirklees guidance document for schools (opens PDF in new window).
Transition into the adult service
Where a young person requires ongoing support as they move into adulthood, the Speech and Language Therapist will liaise with the adult team to make the move as smooth as possible for the young person and their family. This may be a move to one of the following teams, as is appropriate:
Locala adult Speech and Language Therapy Team (opens in new window)