Accessibility Statement

Go Higher Education

At school/college you might have had additional support through an EHCP or SEND Support that school/college offered (which might have been written into a My Support Plan).   

Schools and colleges provide support for children and young people with special needs and disabilities and follow advice given to them in the SEND Code Of Practice (opens link in new window)  Schools and colleges have to follow this advice by law. 

If you go to University, they do not have to follow what it says in the SEND Code of Practice, instead they have to follow the Equality Act 2010 - this page about what this means for higher education (opens link in new window) gives more information about this (opens new page).  This means that Universities must provide “reasonable adjustments” to teaching and learning for any student who has a disability i.e. any long term condition which has a significant impact on their day to day life.  

However, section 8.43 of the SEND Code of Practice explains what Local Authorities must do when you transfer to university. 

It’s important to note that if you have an EHCP, it does not necessarily mean that you have a disability as described by the Equality Act.

You can download the guide here:- (opens link in new window)



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