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Kirklees SEND Local Offer booklet
We know that some people find that Local Offer hard to use, don't know where to start or even know what the Local Offer is.
We also know that some people find websites hard to navigate or don't have access to the internet. We also know that some people just prefer paper.
We have been working hard to look at how we can make sure everyone has access to the Kirklees SEND Local Offer and so we have produced the Local Offer Booklet.
This brings lots of essential SEND information into one, easy to use document which provides a great starting point for families of children and young people with SEND. The booklet contains information about what SEND is, what support you can expect, how to get support from various services across Kirklees as well as helping you find groups which can offer more support and help.
PCAN have been working with us on the development of this booklet and have suggested that we make a digital version of it available on the Local Offer, which we have!
If you would like a printed version of this booklet, or think that you know a family that would benefit from one, please contact us on 01484 416919 or email LocalOffer@kirklees.gov.uk and we can arrange for one to get posted to you.
You can view the booklet below and print out specific pages if needed. You can also download the full PDF of the booklet using the link below.
Local Offer 2023 Booklet (opens pdf) (opens link in new window)
en-GBLast updated: 16/01/2023