For general services, training, communication and resources for schools please go to the Kirklees Business Solutions website.
SENDCO & Professional information and resources
This page contains a range of information regarding supporting young people with SEND. If you need further support, you can contact the Inclusion Support Offer to speak with someone directly about your concerns. You can contact the ISO on 01484 416919 or schedule a call here.(opens link in new window)
If your query relates directly to an EHCP please contact SENDACT on 01484 456888 or email
The ISO team have arranged some drop-in sessions for any professionals in Kirklees to come along and have a chat about any SEND related cases/queries that you may have. For more information see here.(opens link in new window)
Inclusion Support Offer - Support for SENCO's

Referral forms

Resources & Training

- Developing Highly Effective Teaching and Learning for Pupils with SEND
- Inclusive High-Quality Teaching resources
- SEND Assessment and Intervention tools
- Local Offer training video
- SENDCO Training
- External resources
- Refocusing on ADHD in Education - resources
- PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)
- ACES - Adverse childhood experiences training
- Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Advice for schools
- Mental Health and behaviour in schools guidance
- Person Centred planning tools
- New events for SENDCOs - SENDCo Solutions
- Autism Education Trust (AET) resources
- Deaf aware teaching
- National association for special educational needs (NASEN)
- Education Endowment Foundation EEF resources
- Acquired brain injuries (ABI)
- Autism
- Autism - videos about everyday situations
- Autism - sex and relationships resources
- Angelman syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Complex communication & interaction difficulties (CCI)
- Down's syndrome
- Dyscalculia
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia or DCD
- Hearing impairment
- Learning disabilities (including PMLD)
- Multi Sensory Impairment (MSI)
- Neurodiversity
- Physical Impairment
- Sensory needs
- Social, emotional & mental health difficulties (SEMH) - including behaviour
- Specific Learning Difficulties (including Dyslexia and Dyspraxia)
- Tourette's
- Visual impairment (blindness and sight problems)
- Epilepsy
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Attachment (including attachment disorder)
- Movement resources
- Improving early identification of children with SEND at risk of modern slavery
Multi Systemic Therapy

Educational Psychology

Kirklees Universal Offer of Inclusive High-Quality Teaching

Early Years

- Inclusion Counts
- Early Years SEND (EYSEND)
- Early years foundation stage (EYFS)
- Birth to 5 matters
- Small steps guides
- Special Education Needs and Disability Inclusion Fund - SENDIF
- How to get childcare for a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Small steps progress tracking materials
- Early years MSP guidance
- Dingley's Promise SEND Training
Health, Social Care and Finances

- Kirklees Community Hubs
- Courses for parents and carers
- Relationship Matters - Helping families understand and build healthy relationships.
- Short Breaks & Respite
- Kirklees Council’s Children with a Disability Service Short Breaks Statement
- Children with a Disability Service (CWD)
- Children with a Disability Service eligibility criteria
- Getting social care support for a child
- Getting social care support as an adult
- Moving from children's to adult social care
- The Early Support Service
- A more connected, happy, independent and healthier life - Community Plus
- Carers Assessment
- 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Finance & benefits - overview
- Adult social care financial assessment (means testing)
- Benefits calculator
- Carers Allowance
- Council Tax
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
- Housing Benefit
- Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
- New style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Tax Credits
- Universal Credit
- Wills and Trusts
- Disabled Facilities Grants
- Cost of Living Help
- 0-18 Neurodevelopment (Autism, ADHD and ADD) support and assessment
- Adult (18+) Autism & ADHD assessments
- Annual health checks and staying healthy
- Hospital passports and help at hospitals
- Supporting children (0-5) with a learning disability in hospital
- Good mental health for people with learning disabilities
- What about adults with learning disabilities and special needs?
- Children's therapy services overview (SALT, OT and Physio)
- The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
- Speech & Language Therapy (SALT)
- Children's Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Children's Physiotherapy
- Sensory Occupational Therapy
- Annual health checks and staying healthy
- Dietician (for children, young people and adults)
- Community nursing
- Hospital passports and help at hospitals
- Wheelchair services
- Toileting
- Children's Epilepsy Team
- Adults therapy team - Speech and Language, Physio, Occupational Therapy
- Moving from Children's to Adults health care - Continuing Health Care
- Help to find an independent Speech and Language therapists
- Starting Well - Speech, Language and Communication videos
- Find a GP
- Easy Health - Easy read resources
- Helping people with SEND be healthy & active - guidance for parents/carers
- Find a hospital
- Health visiting and school nursing
- Sexual health under 18's
- Children Development Centre's (CDC)
- Adaptions to your home (Accessible Homes Team)
- Dental care for young people with SEND
- Chat Health
- Safer Moving and Handling Advice for Parents and Carers
- Moving from children's to adult health services
- Essential facts about private fostering
- Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity (PINS) Pilot
Specialist Outreach

Special Schools

Graduated Approach (inc SEND Support, I-APDR & My Support Plans)

- Mainstream Clusters Overview
- The Graduated Approach - Assess, Plan, Do, Review
- New Kirklees Graduated Approach Documents
- Individual Assess, Plan, Do, Review (I-APDR)
- Kirklees MAPP (Making Action Plans Personal)
- My Support Plan information and guidance
- My Support Plans downloads
- Social Care/Early Support - My Support Plan checklist for schools
- Health - My Support Plan checklist for schools
- Learning plans (IEPS etc) and provision maps
- PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)
- The Conditions for Inclusion for Learners with SEND
- Targeted provision for learners with complex needs, possibly requiring an EHCP
- Where a learner has an EHCP, what are our additional responsibilities within the Graduated Approach?
- Reduced (part-time) timetables in school
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA)

- What does preparing for adulthood (PFA) mean?
- PFA Outcomes and Provision
- PFA best practice checklists
- NDTi PFA resources
- What does preparing for adulthood (PfA) mean?
- Getting support with preparing for adulthood (if you have an EHCP)
- Parents & Carers guide to preparing for adulthood
- Easy read guide to preparing for adulthood
- Preparing for adulthood checklist
- Helping young people to be independent - The Community Enablement Team
Additional Resourced Provisions

Exclusions and managed moves

Alternative Provision & Medical Home Tuition