Childminders are self employed childcare professionals and look after children in their own homes. They are registered and inspected by Ofsted. Most offer funded early education places and are open all year round.
Day Nurseries are registered and inspected by Ofsted. They usually look after children from birth to 5 years but some offer out of school care for school aged children. Most offer funded early education places and are open all year round.
Holiday schemes care for children from 4 to 11 years (some look after older children) during the school holidays.
Nanny/home childcarers care for children in the parents own home, or in another parents home (eg a nanny share arrangement, although the children must be from no more than two families at any one time). You employ the nanny/home childcarer and you will be responsible for tax, national insurance contributions as well as sick pay or holiday pay. Because children are looked after in your own home, a nanny does not have to be registered with Ofsted but some choose to go on the voluntary register.
Out of School Clubs are registered and inspected by Ofsted. They usually provide care for school aged children before and after the school session and are open term time only.
Pre-Schools/Playgroups/Nursery unit of independent schools are registered and inspected by Ofsted. They usually care for children aged between 2 and 5 years. Most offer funded early education places and are open term time only.
School nurseries care for children aged 3 and 4 years, some also care for 2 year olds, and are open term time only. Most offer either a morning or afternoon session.