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- Educational Psychology
Kirklees EP Service
Educational psychology
Kirklees educational psychologists believe every child, with or without SEN (Special Educational Needs), has the ability to achieve, to enjoy positive emotional health and well-being, and the right to belong. We are confident that the thoughtful application of psychology can transform children's lives for the better. We believe that children thrive when they are included in their local community and we are committed to supporting parents and schools to help this happen.
Kirklees Educational Psychologists are trained to understand what helps children:
- learn,
- think and problem-solve,
- communicate,
- develop relationships,
- a child or young person with an Education, Health and Care Plan has a significant change in their SEN which might require a different type of approach or provision.
The Kirklees EP service has produced a presentation which helps to explain what the offer of support for schools from this service looks like
Kirklees EP Presentation 2023 (opens link in a new window)
You can access the presentation by clicking the image below:
The Kirklees EP team also offer a wide range of central training as part of the Kirklees Keep in Mind (KKiM), previously known as MHST which is available on Kirklees Business Solutions to all Kirklees mainstream schools as well as the Local Authorities' two complex needs schools:
When an educational psychologist becomes involved
An educational psychologist may become involved when the piece of work fits within the core offer and parents and staff remain concerned about a child's development and/or progress in school even though the SENDCo has:
- worked with parents and teachers over an extended period of time to agree targets, strategies, and interventions,
- involved specialist outreach teams for example for autism, speech, language and communication, physical and sensory impairment, and other professionals where this is appropriate.
The decision about whether a referral to our team would be helpful is made either at termly planning meetings between SENDCo and school Educational Psychologist or on some occasions through an Additional Needs Partnership. Work picked up should be within the priority areas that the EP service offers support around.
How to Contact Educational Psychology
- 01924 483744
The schools SENDCo should complete the appropriate consent form for the piece of work once it has been discussed with the school EP and the parent/carer.
en-GBLast updated: 07/12/2020