Kirklees Business Solutions

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The guide available on this page helps to develop PFA outcomes across the 4 areas of need for children and young people all the way from Early Years to Post 19.

Each area covers the following:

  • Employability/Education
  • Independence
  • Community Participation
  • Health

The guide can be downloaded in word format using the following link.

PFA Outcomes by area of need - all ages. (opens link in new window)

This guide was created by Anne Hayward – SEND Consultant and the Together for Children Educational Psychology Team Sunderland.

The SEND Code of Practice is clear that Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) for children should start as early as possible:

7.37 Being supported towards greater independence and employability can be life-transforming for children and young people with SEN. This support needs to start early and should centre around the child or young person’s own aspirations, interests and needs.

Much of primary school education inherently supports children in achieving the four PfA outcomes, but this isn’t explicitly stated in the outcomes we write into plans for children and young people with SEND. The document gives some examples of how PfA outcomes can be included in plans, in each area for need, across all age ranges and will support SENCos and teachers in focusing their thoughts on the future for all the children and young people they work with.

Last updated: 05/07/2022