Kirklees Business Solutions

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Accessibility Statement

If a child has SEND, then consideration needs to be given to what support they will need as they become an adult.  The following Best Practice guides are to be used as a guide for the EHCP reviews from Y9 onward to make sure that any support required is identified early, they can also be used for any young person with SEND to ensure that any additional support required is identified as early as possible.

Who is it for?

These best practice guides are a checklist for professionals supporting young people with SEND, and their parents, to plan and prepare for adulthood.

Why has it been developed?

To help ensure professionals, young people and parents have the right information at the right time to make informed decisions and help all parties prepare and plan effectively for adulthood.

When does preparing for adulthood start?

Planning will formally start in year 9, there is a lot to start to think about.  Year 10 and 11 focus on developing future plans and monitoring progress.  From 16 years of age choices and decisions need to be made.

Last updated: 07/12/2020