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Courses for parents and carers


Across Kirklees there are a number of parenting courses which can help with a range of issues that parents and carers can face when raising children with SEND.

The courses on this page are offered by a number of different providers and have different ways to get booked onto them.  We have included the details of how to do this for every course offered.

The following courses are offered by Early Support (opens link in same window)

Families can ask Early Support for help using the online form below.

Early Support - Request for help form (opens link in new window)

Professionals working with families who want to make a referral for a parenting programme should be made via the Early Support Referral form which can be found on the Kirklees Children’s safeguarding site and submitted following the instructions on the referral form.  

Early Support Referral Form (downloads word document)


Join the online information session offering tips and advice to help improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of your child. 

All Sessions are free to book and will last around a hour

Here are the sessions:

  • Introduction to children's mental health and wellbeing - 23rd July 10.30am, 8th August 2.30pm, 21st August 10.30am
  • Supporting your child during the summer holidays - 25th July 10.30am,31st July 2.30pm, 5th August 10.30am
  • The Teenage Brain - 30th July 10.30am, 15th August 2.30pm, 30th August 2.30pm
  • Preparing for the return to school - 26th July 2.30pm,7th August 10.30am
  • Managing big emotions - 1st August 10.30am, 28th August 2.30pm
  • Self Harm For Parents/carers - 1st August 4pm, 13th August 12.30pm
  • Transition to high school - 20th August 2.30pm,29th August 10.30am
  • Sleep Hygiene primary school - 24th July 2.30pm, 22nd August 10.30am
  • Sleep Hygiene secondary school - 6th August 10.30am, 27th August 2.30pm
  • myHappymind a tour of how to use the app - 27th August 10am
  • Supporting my child with exam results - 12th August 10.30am, 20th August 3.30pm

Kirklees Keep in Mind Events - 23 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

For parents carers of Children aged between 2-15 years

SEN version is suitable for parents/carers of children/young people with a diagnosis/on the path to a diagnosis of a SEN or Disability aged between 2 and 19 years.

The SEND version content is delivered in a different order to address the needs of SEND families, and peer support from the group is a major source of support.

Aims of programme:

The Nurturing Programme benefits both adults and children by promoting emotional literacy and emotional health, raising self-esteem, developing communication and social skills, teaching positive ways to resolve conflict, providing effective strategies to encourage co-operative responsible behaviour and manging challenging behaviour in children.  It also offers insights into the influence of feelings on behaviour and encourages adults to take time to look after themselves.  It is a fun and nurturing programme for parents.

What the sessions cover

  • Giving Praise Week Zero – Establishing a Group
  • Week One – Introducing the Nurturing Programme
  • Week Two – The Question of Discipline
  • Week Three – Rules, Rewards and Penalties
  • Week Four – Ages and Stages in Child Development, Helping Children Grow Up
  • Week Five – Personal Power and Self-Esteem, Choices and Consequences
  • Week Six – Feelings…and what we do with them, Communicating Clearing using “I” Statements
  • Week Seven – Kinds of Touch, Nurturing Ourselves
  • Week Eight – Issues around Sex, Helping Children Stay Safe
  • Week Nine – Behaviours to Ignore, Problem Solving and Negotiating
  • Week Ten – Continuing the Family Journey

How is it delivered?

2  hour sessions per week for 10 weeks

6-10 parents/carers per group

2 facilitators per group

Group sessions include the use of media, Flip Charts, groupwork activity, discussions and examples of games to play.

Parents/carers receive a programme handbook.

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Further programme information is available from the programme developers:

Family Links (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

Suitable for parents/carers of children pre-birth to 5 years who don’t have the necessary skills to provide a nurturing, enriching environment for their children. These parents may only have limited contact with their children and need to increase their parenting skills. Parents/carers who have not experienced warm, stimulating childhoods themselves and lack the basic knowledge and skills to provide a nurturing environment for their children

Aims of programme

  • Learn practical strategies to support Early Parenting
  • Increase parents/carers knowledge around how to support and respond to their child through play, effective communication, developmental movement and positive attachment
  • Provide hands on experiences to take away and practice at home or in contact
  • Understand the importance of playing and communicating with babies and children

What the sessions cover:

Attachment: Attachment describes the powerful relationship which develops between a child and their parent or carer from before birth. Providing children with a solid emotional base for them to learn, grow and become independent.

Developmental movement: Important to children’s all round development and for enjoying, living and learning. Early movement helps with later development such as reading and writing.

Communication and Language: Examine how parents/carers can support their child’s communication (language and listening) development through talk, play, books and everyday routines.  Children learn to communicate and talk through their involvement with the world and the people in it.

Play: Play is essential to how children learn about the world around them through their senses, taste, touch, hearing, sight and smell. Look in detail at schemas and how children’s play develops in the early years.

How is it delivered?

2-hour session per week for 5 weeks

Up to 10 parents per group

2 facilitators per group

Group sessions include the use of Media, Flip Charts, discussions and parents will gain practical experience making and playing with different materials e.g. playdough

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Who is it for?

Suitable for parents/carers of children aged between 3 to 18 years old, who feel that they are struggling to manage the behaviour of their child/children.

Aim of programme

To strengthen parenting skills and prevent and manage behaviour problems.  Improve relationships between young people and their families.  Improve attendance at school, behaviour at home and in the wider community. Information is presented within a cultural framework, helping children to become socially competent, have a positive social awareness and increased self-esteem. The overarching aim is for all families to lead a violence free, healthy lifestyle

What the sessions cover

  • Positive Discipline
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Rites of Passage
  • Ethnic, Cultural, Spiritual, Family roots
  • Community involvement
  • Childhood characteristics
  • Parent/child relationship
  • Parent/carer modelling

How is it delivered?                          

3 hour sessions per week for 13 weeks.                    

8-15 parents/carers per group                                                          

2 facilitators per group                      

Group sessions include the use of Media, Flip charts, discussions and handouts.   

Parents/carers receive a programme handbook, which is available in a range of community languages.

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Further programme information is available from the programme developers at:

Strengthening Families (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

Suitable for any parent/carer who are or have at some point experienced Domestic Abuse.  Groups would never be mixed but arranged to meet the needs of the referrals.

What are the aims of the programme?

  • Liberty is adapted from the Freedom Programme, although retaining the principles of Freedom it is designed to be more accessible and inclusive to all victims of Domestic Abuse.
  • Participants will raise their awareness and be able to recognise the different tactics and beliefs of the dominator and the effects this has had on them and their children.
  • Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own story and the impact that Domestic Abuse has had on them and their family.
  • Increased awareness of the impact of Domestic Abuse on children and methods for increasing resilience for all the family.
  • Restorative practices will be utilised to help to rebuild healthy relationships, resolve difficulties and repair harm within the family to create change.
  • Raise awareness of how to keep safe
  • To raise awareness around Clare’s Law and safety planning including online safety
  • To raise awareness of future relationships including safe dating.

How is it delivered?

10 weekly 2 hour sessions the participants will be encouraged to reflect on their individual story and the impact that Domestic Abuse has had on them and their family.

Usually 10-16 in a group and at least 2 facilitators per group

Sessions will be a mix of creative and focussed group work tasks to enable participants to create a portfolio of work that they will be able to take away.

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Who is it for?

For families where poor home conditions are having a negative impact on children’s life chances and ability to achieve. This programme has been developed in response to the negative impact of poor or inadequate living conditions on the lives of children, young people and their families and the impact these conditions have on child development

Aim of the programme

The aim is to encourage parents/carers to take responsibility for their home conditions including the safety and health and hygiene of themselves and their children.

  • Develop an understanding of what is and is not acceptable home conditions and how poor home conditions will have a negative impact on children‘s development.
  • Recognise factors that influence and support children’s development

What the sessions cover

The programme has six learning modules: Parents/carers attend weekly 2 hour sessions over 12 weeks covering

  • Healthy eating and budgeting
  • Health and hygiene in the home
  • Household skills
  • Identify fire hazards
  • Importance of physical activity
  • Importance of rest and sleep

How is it delivered?

The 6 modules are a mixture of worksheets and practical skills to try during the session and practice at home with their families.

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Who is it for?

A young person over the age of 11 years who has been assessed (Early Help, CIN, S47) as being abusive / violent towards their parent/carer or sibling and where there is no current domestic abuse between adults in the family home. The young person will attend with their parents/carers/ and if appropriate siblings.

Aims of programme

  • By using a cognitive behavioural, skills-based approach to help teens stop the use of violent and abusive behaviours and teaches non-violent, respectful ways of communicating and resolving conflict with family members.
  • Restorative inquiry is used to help the young person recognise the effects of their actions on others, cultivate empathy and take steps to repair harm done.

  • This encourages reflection of behaviours using a restorative practice model of accountability, competency development and family safety to restore family relationships.

Sessions include

  • Identifying red flags (behaviour triggers)
  • Strategies to keep calm
  • Compromise
  • Negotiation
  • Taking responsibility for behaviour
  • Importance of Praise
  • Family Activities
  • Making Amends

How it is delivered?

12 weekly sessions (flexible, if delivered during the holidays)

Meal provided

2 hr 45 min sessions

4-6 facilitators (depending on size of group)

5-7 families

Group sessions Include – reflective activities, discussions, you tube clips, music, games, weekly evaluation and feedback, positive reinforcement of behaviours.

How to find out more information: 

Tel: 01484 456823


Who is it for?

An evidence based online parenting programme for parents/carers of children from 0-19 for parents who would like to use effective positive parenting strategies to make a difference to their children’s/young person’s development and wellbeing. Recognising that life can be stressful and challenging at times but things can change for the better

What are the aims of the programme?

Triple P Online covers all the strategies a parent would learn by doing a similar face-to-face parenting programme, with comparable or better ability to reduce social, emotional, and behavioural issues in children and improve their parents' confidence and capability, while also reducing parental levels of stress and depression

Sessions include.

Both versions promote positive parenting strategies, coping and self-care skills. The teen programme also covers emotional and risky behaviours associated with young people.

8 modules for 0-12 package including:

  • Coping with difficulties and emotional stress
  • Encourage good behaviour
  • Prevent tantrums and manage misbehaviour
  • Take the stress out of daily tasks
  • Manage problems calmly, encourage cooperation and following instructions
  • Strengthen the parent child relationship

6 modules for teen package including:

  • Improve communication with your teenager
  • Build a stronger relationship
  • Agree on rules
  • Deal calmly with conflict
  • Navigate emotional ups and downs
  • Equip young people to manage life challenges

How is it delivered?

Parents to complete at their own pace and at a time that suits them with the addition of wrap around support from the parenting team, supporting parents through the programme, regular check ins and regular meetings via Microsoft Teams with groups of other parents to share experiences and embed the learning

How can I find a group/ find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823

Further programme information is available from the programme developers at: 

Triple P (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

Fear-Less Triple P Online is suitable for parents of children aged 6 to 14 years. 

What are the aims:

The Fear-Less Triple P Program is part of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program®. Fear-Less isn’t about eliminating fear altogether – sometimes, fear protects us. Instead, it’s about giving your family a toolbox of strategies, skills, and knowledge to manage anxious feelings and stop unnecessary worrying. Fear-Less Triple P is based on extensive research with families of anxious children by clinical psychologists. It can work for you too — and now it’s online!

Get a better understanding of anxiety and fear and what can be done about it.

Break the cycle of anxiety and avoidance, in a safe and gradual way.

Understand what’s within your control to change.

Improve your relationship with your children.

Enjoy being a parent more!

What the sessions include:

6 Modules:

  1. Understanding Anxiety - Learn more about anxiety and how it works. Get a better understanding of your child’s anxiety, and set some goals for change
  2. Promoting Emotional Resilience – Find out how to encourage children to express, tolerate and manage upsetting emotions more effectively
  3. Setting a Good Example & Encouraging Realistic Thinking – Learn more about flexible and realistic thinking and how it can reduce anxiety. Recognise and change unhelpful ways of thinking and encourage your children to do this too.
  4. Understanding Avoidance – Discover how anxiety and avoidance create a cycle and how to break it, in a gradual and effective way
  5. Responding to Children’s anxiety – Discover the advantages and disadvantages of common responses to anxiety, and learn new strategies
  6. Constructive Problem Solving & Maintaining Progress- Use a step-by-step framework to help children manage their anxiety and become more capable and confident. Review your own progress and set goals for the future, and get guidance on how to achieve them

How is it delivered?

Parents to complete at their own pace and at a time that suits them with the addition of wrap around support from the parenting team, supporting parents through the programme, regular check ins and regular meetings via Microsoft Teams with groups of other parents to share experiences and embed the learning

How can I find out more? Tel: 01484 456823

Further programme information is available from the programme developers at: 

Triple P (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

Triple P baby is for parents who are about to or have recently had a new baby to help you prepare for and adjust to parenting a new-born.

What are the aims:

Positively nurture your baby’s development and a close relationship right from the start - this toolkit of tips and ideas really works!

You choose what works for you - adapt to suit your baby, your family, your values

Be confident about responding to your baby and meeting their needs, and having options if there are challenges (e.g., with crying or sleeping patterns)

Learn how to manage your emotions and communicate more effectively with your partner about parenting

What the sessions include:

7 Modules:

  1. Introduction -Take a positive parenting approach right from the beginning. Build a strong and secure relationship with your baby, for the best start in life as their brain and body grow rapidly. Learn how everyday interactions with your infant make a difference
  2. Understanding your Baby’s Development- Find out more about what influences a baby’s development and what you can do to create positive learning opportunities each day. Discover how to avoid common unhelpful beliefs about parenting. Learn different ways to keep track of your baby’s activities and progress.
  3. Promoting your Baby’s Development- Learn how to build a positive relationship with your baby, tune into their signals and the importance of affection. Find out more about encouraging new skills, including flexible routines.
  4. Responding to your Baby- Understand more about how babies communicate, how to encourage contentment and what to expect when it comes to crying. There’s also a variety of ways to soothe and settle babies, as well as strategies to promote positive sleeping habits.
  5. Survival Skills- Discover the common emotional ‘traps’ that new parents can experience. Learn about coping strategies to manage uncomfortable emotions (eg. Stress, anxiety, sadness) and build your emotional wellbeing toolkit.
  6. Partner Support – learn more about relationship changes most new parents experience, and ways to avoid communication challenges. Help maintain a positive environment with tips on partner communication and maintaining relationship happiness
  7. Reviewing and maintaining progress- What’s going well? What can you continue to work on? There are tips on maintaining positive changes, as you continue to care for your baby and help them grow and develop while also looking after yourself

How is it delivered?

Parents to complete at their own pace and at a time that suits them with the addition of wrap around support from the parenting team, supporting parents through the programme, regular check ins and regular meetings via Microsoft Teams with groups of other parents to share experiences and embed the learning

How can I find out more? Tel: 01484 456823

Further programme information is available from the programme developers at: 

Triple P (opens link in new window)

Who is it for?

Triple P Transitions gives the parent new ways to help protect their child and themselves from the fallout from a family separation. Family Transitions Triple P is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. Family Transitions Triple P assists parents who need extra support to adjust and manage the transition from a two-parent family to a single-parent family. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts with former partners and how to cope positively with stress. NB Family Transitions is not a mediation programme, so you should attend on your own or, if you want support, with your new partner. If your expartner wants to do Family Transitions, you will attend separate groups.

What are the aims:

The programme is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. Parents may be concerned that the divorce is upsetting their children, or they may want to learn ways to talk to their children about it and teach them ways to cope. Parents who do this course usually have concurrent concerns about their child’s behaviour.

What the sessions cover:

Session 1: Divorce - a family transition. During this session, parents learn the parent traps during separation and divorce, how to talk to their children about separation and divorce, and how to help children manage their emotions.

Session 2: Coping with emotions (1). Parents learn to identify unhelpful emotions (e.g., stress, anxiety, anger) and the link between these unhelpful emotions and parenting. Coping skills and relaxation strategies will also be discussed during this session.

Session 3: Coping with emotions (2). This session teaches parents how thoughts influence emotions and how they can challenge those automatic unhelpful thoughts. They will also learn coping strategies and how to take care of themselves.

Session 4: Managing conflict. During this session, the practitioner explains to parents the model of conflict and provides different conflict response styles. Parents will learn assertive communication skills, how to hold a child-related discussion with their former partner, problem solving techniques, and develop a parenting plan.

Session 5: Balancing work, family and play. During this session, the practitioner discusses with parents developing a new family identity, social support, and developing new romantic relationships.

How is it delivered

Triple P Transitions is delivered as a group or can be delivered as an online programme. The 5 sessions are delivered over 2 hours per weekly session.

How can I find out more?

Tel: 01484 456823 

Further programme information is available from the programme developers at: 

Triple P (opens link in new window)

Other online parenting resources available

The Spark - Parenting relationship courses (opens link in new window)

Family Lives

Family Lives - Online parenting courses (opens link in new window)

Family Links Programme- 0nline version via netmums ( open to dads/ carers etc not just mums. Register with netmums to access the programme)

Net Mums - Family Links (opens link in new window)

Family Links Downloads (opens link in new window)

How to Prevent Meltdowns in Children of All Ages (opens link in new window) 

Speech Stars - Support and training for parents and carers

Poster explaining Speech Stars training for parents and carers

Learn more about how to support your child’s speech, language and communication skills.

From storytelling to vocabulary development, our experienced tutors will guide you through a range of fun and engaging activities to try at home.

  • Various venues across Kirklees
  • Weekly group informal training sessions
  • Opportunities to meet other parents and carers
  • Practical ideas and resources provided

To register your interest, please use the following link:

Speech Stars registration (opens link in new window)

or email: 

You can also call the Kirklees Success Centre on 01484 234153 for more information.


Early Years Resources  


Look, Say, Sing, Play early years resources to use and share with parents | NSPCC Learning (opens link in new window)  

Oliiki App 

Daily activities to build your baby's brain & your parent confidence in the first 1000 days of life. (opens link in new window) 

Online Safety  

Think you know (opens link in new window)

Wakeup Wednesday – Information for parents produced weekly around apps and websites designed for children. 

Wakeup Wednesday (opens link in new window)


Sleep Charity support (opens link in new window)

Building resilience in children 

Family Lives - Building resilience (opens link in new window)

Mindfulness resource 

Hear for you or them (opens link in new window)

Mental health – young people 

Teens health - your mind (opens link in new window)

Teen health - Transitions (opens link in new window)

Young mental health site (opens link in new window)

Dads - The essential guide for new dads, developed with the NHS, giving new dads the knowledge and practical skills needed to support you and your partner to give your baby the best possible start in life

The Dad Pad (opens link in new window)

Last updated: 31/05/2023

Useful links