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Jargon Buster (A-Z)

You may find lots of terms, abbreviations, phrases and words that you might not know what they mean when you are using this site or any other sites about special needs and disabilities.  We have made a list of the most common ones to help.  

If you come across any other words or abbreviations that you don't know, please let us know at

You can find more explanations of words and phrases used when talking about SEND on the Special Needs Jungle Glossary of SEND Terms page (opens link in new window)

You can also find more explanations of terms often used when talking about health and social care on the TLAP Care and Support Jargon Buster (opens link in new window)

BEST - Behaviour and Education Support Team

BIP - Behaviour Improvement Programme

BST - Behaviour Support Team


CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (opens link in new window)

CAT - Cognitive Ability Tests for knowing, thinking and reasoning.

CFA - Client Financial Affairs

CHEWS - Children’s Emotional Wellbeing Service

CHFT - Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust (opens link in new window)

CHYPS - Child and Young Peoples Services.

CIC - Children in Care

CIN - Child In Need

CLLD - Communication, Language and Literacy Development.

CME - Children Missing in Education

CP - Child Protection

CPI - Child Protection Issue

CPR - Child Protection Register central register.

CQC - Care Quality Commission

CSE - Child Sexual Exploitation

CVA - Cerebrovascular accident

CYP - Child or young person

Early Years Inclusion - Providing advice, guidance, identifying SEND and help with producing My Support Plans and applying for EHCP's for early years children.

EHA/SA - Early Help Assessment / Single Assessment

EHCNA - Educational Health and Care Assessment Request 

EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plan

EHE - Elective Home Education

ELSA - Emotional Learning Support Assistant 

EMHP - Education Mental Health Practitioner

EOTAS - Education Otherwise Than At School

EP - Educational Psychologist

ESO - Education Supervision Order

EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage 

EYSEND - Early Years Special Educational Needs

EWSA - Emotional Well-being Support Assistant 

EWO - Educational Welfare Officer 


FASD - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

FE  - Further Education

FGB - Full Governing Body

FOI - Freedom of Information

FSM - Free School Meals

FSW  - Family Support Worker

GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder

GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education 


IAPDR - Individual Assess Plan Do Review

IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

IEP - Individual Education Plan

IMCA - Independent Mental Capacity Advocate

IMHA - Independent Mental Health Advocate 

IW - Inclusion Worker

ISO - Inclusion Support Offer

The Local Offer has a service called the Inclusion Support Offer (ISO) which provides support for all educational settings (including nurseries) to help to make sure they are doing everything they can to support children with SEND, without necessarily looking at additional funding or making referrals to assessed services. 

You can find more information about this service on our ISO information page.   This service is for schools use only, they do not take calls from parents or carers, but you can mention it to your child's educational setting and ask them to get in touch.

KCSB - Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board

KIAS - Kirklees Information & Advice Support Services

KS1 - Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2 

KS2 - Key Stage 2 ( Year 3 to Year 6)

KS3 - Key Stage 3 (Year 7 to Year 9)

KS4 - Key Stage 4 ( Year 10 to Year 11)

KS5 - Key Stage 5 ( Year 12 to Year 13)

LA  - Local Authority

LAC - Looked After Children

LADO - Local Authority Designated Officer

LSA - Learning Support Assistant.


MASH - Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub

MAST - Multi Agency Support Team

MCA - Mental Capacity Assessment

MDT - Multi-disciplinary Team

MHST - Mental Health Support Team

MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulties

MLT - Middle Leadership Team

MNHS - Medical Needs and Hospital Service

MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment

MSP - My Support Plan

ODD - Oppositional Defiance Disorder

OT - Occupational Therapist

Pace - Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy

PANDAS - Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus

PAN - Published Admissions Number

PCA - Person Centred Approaches

PCP - Person Centred Planning

PD - Physical Disability

PDA - Pathological Demand Avoidance

PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System.

PEG (feeding) - Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy

PEP - Personal Education Plan 

PFA - Preparing for Adulthood

PI - Physical Impairment

PMLD - Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties

PPRS - Primary Pupil Referral Service

PR - Parental responsibility

PRU - Pupil Referral Unit 

Portex - Specialist teachers who work with schools to help identify SEND and deliver strategies to support early years children with SEND

PSA - Parent Support Adviser 

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

QFT - Quality First Teaching 

TA - Teaching Assistant 

UPN - Unique Pupil Number 

Last updated: 21/12/2023