Kirklees Business Solutions

For general services, training, communication and resources for schools please go to the Kirklees Business Solutions website.

Accessibility Statement

Where a child or young person has an EHC Plan it must be reviewed at least once a year by the school/educational setting.  This is to ensure that it stays up to date and continues to provide the support the child or young person needs. Where a child or young person is in an education setting, the annual review preparation and meeting is undertaken within the setting, and recommendations are sent to SENDACT to consider on behalf of the LA. The 12 month cycle of the EHC is not fulfilled at the point of the meeting being held, the annual review is complete when the LA makes one of three decisions:

1. To maintain the EHC plan in its current form (the review meeting
recommendation is acknowledged with the intension of no
changes to be made)

2. To amend the EHC plan (SENDACT issue an Amendment Notice)

3. To cease the EHC plan (a proposal to cease the plan as a result of it
no longer being required).

The new Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) review paperwork
The latest EHCP annual review paperwork is available using the link below:
Kirklees 2023 EHCP annual review paperwork (downloads Word document) 2023 v2
The old EHCP review paperwork is still available below.
Previous Kirklees EHCP annual review paperwork (downloads Word document)

From September 2023, schools have access to our new EHCP review paperwork. We believe this will simplify the process for SENDCos and other staff carrying out annual reviews. Schools can continue to use the previous paperwork, but ideally, we would like all schools to have started using the new paperwork by January 2024.

The Inclusion Support Offer (ISO) team are available to support schools wishing to implement the new paperwork:

Help for SENDCO's and education professionals - The Inclusion Support Offer | ISO | Kirklees SEND Local Offer (

The latest EHCP annual review paperwork is available using the link below:

Kirklees 2023 EHCP annual review paperwork (downloads Word document) 2023 v2

The old EHCP review paperwork is still available below.

Previous Kirklees EHCP annual review paperwork (downloads Word document)

Kirklees have recently introduced the MAPP which can be used to help capture children's views to contribute to an EHCP review.

Kirklees MAPP (Making Action Plans Personal)

2023 EHCP Review paperwork guidance
Last updated: 07/12/2020

Useful links