Kirklees Business Solutions

For general services, training, communication and resources for schools please go to the Kirklees Business Solutions website.

Accessibility Statement

We are a referral based service who offer support, advice and guidance about children's learning needs to parents and families, pre–school and day care settings, childminders and children in mainstream school up to the age of 5.

We offer 3 strands of service:

Home Portage
Our home Portage visitors work in partnership with parents and carers to identify what is important to them and their child and plan goals for learning within the home. Teaching targets are delivered through a small steps approach based upon the Portage and Early Years Foundation Stage principles, usually through weekly visits to the home. Empowering parents to support their child’s learning is central to home Portage. Information sharing and early education support can be offered by our home Portage visitors to early learning and childcare settings children may also be attending.

Inclusion support within settings
Our Inclusion officers work in partnership with parents, carers and practitioners within early learning and childcare settings. Through a consultation based approach early learning needs will be identified and appropriate strategies for teaching will be planned. Teaching is delivered through a small steps approach based upon the Portage and EYFS principles. Our Inclusion officers also offer support with identifying and accessing appropriate childcare for children who have a complex needs.

Portex teacher support within schools
Our Portex Teachers work in partnership with parents, carers, class teachers and SENDCOs within maintained mainstream schools. A consultation based approach is used to identify early learning needs with appropriate strategies for teaching being planned. Teaching is delivered through a small steps approach.

Effective coordinated SEND Planning between Education and Health information sheet (opens link in new window)

You can contact the EY SEND service using the following methods:

Telephone: 01924 483744


Last updated: 04/12/2020

Useful links

Kirklees Business solutions - EYSEND