Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (links open new page)
Complex Needs School
Ravenshall School (Ravenshall also offers a post 16 option, called Preparing for Adulthood)
Both of the above settings have satellite provisions (special school classes based in mainstream schools)
Autism Specialist School
Woodley also has a post 16 satellite provision based in Huddersfield town centre
Social, emotional and mental health specialist School (including those with behavioural and anxiety issues)
Joseph Norton Academy (Kirklees Key Stage 2 – 4 provision)
Additional specialist long term places for pupils with EHCPs and SEMH needs.
As well as the above placements, Kirklees has a number of smaller other offers:
- Outdoor Education with TAO Activities
TAO Activities provide therapeutic outdoor education through a 12 week programme (this can be extended or reduced if needed) with highly skilled and experienced staff with a focus on supporting young people to re-engage with education. TAO focuses intensively on social skills, resilience, independence and increasing mental health and well-being.
- Online Learning with Academy 21
Academy 21 provide an alternative online approach to learning for children & young people who are experiencing difficulties learning in a traditional classroom setting by providing the following:
- A tailored online education programme for pupils and personal guidance and support
- A broad curriculum and the opportunity to study for recognised qualifications in several subject areas (including GCSE’s)
- Regular reviews with the overall aim to support young people back into attending an educational setting (when they are ready).