We have created an information page all about how to find suitable activities for children and young people with SEND. You can find it by going to the link below:
Help to find inclusive activities (opens link in same window)
Sometimes it can be hard to find who the right person to speak with is. This page has lots of contact details that might be helpful for you.
If you would like to speak to someone to help you find the information you need about SEND, please contact us at LocalOffer@kirklees.gov.uk or call us on 01484 416919.
If you would like help from Early Support (opens link in new window) please call 01484 456823.
We have created an information page all about how to find suitable activities for children and young people with SEND. You can find it by going to the link below:
Help to find inclusive activities (opens link in same window)
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) (opens link in new window)
Tel: 0300 304 5555 (North Kirklees), 01484 344299 (South Kirklees/Huddersfield), 01422 261340 (South Kirklees/Halifax)
Mental Health support for Children and Young People (opens link in new window)
Tel: 0300 304 5555
Wheelchair services - Ross Care | Mobility Equipment and Shop for Disability Support (opens link in new window)
Tel: 01422 312 729
The first step is to speak with whoever works at the education setting - this could be a teacher, nursery staff, support staff or pastoral staff.
Discuss your concerns with them - perhaps take a pen and paper to write down what they say. This can help you if you need to discuss this with some one else.
Support for under 5’s with SEND - EYSEND (opens link in new window)
Tel: 01924 483744
Email: dewsbury.psychology@kirklees.gov.uk
Tel: 01484 414887
Email: fis@kirklees.gov.uk
Help to find a school - Search schools in Kirklees (opens link in new window)
Tel: 01484 225014
Email: school.organisation@kirklees.gov.uk
Help with applying for a school place for a child with special needs (opens link in new window)
For a child WITHOUT an EHCP, please call school admissions on 01484
Tel: 01484 225007
Email: pupiladmissions@kirklees.gov.uk
If they have an EHCP (opens link in new window) please call SENDACT
Tel: 01484 456888
Email: senact@kirklees.gov.uk
Support for children with special needs in schools – speak with the school or call the Local Offer
Tel: 01484 416919
Email: LocalOffer@kirklees.gov.uk
Inclusion Support Offer (ISO)
The Local Offer has a service called the Inclusion Support Offer (ISO) which provides support for all educational settings (including nurseries) to help to make sure they are doing everything they can to support children with SEND, without necessarily looking at additional funding or making referrals to assessed services.
You can find more information about this service on our ISO information page (opens link in new window). This service is for schools use only, they do not take calls from parents or carers, but you can mention it to your child's educational setting and ask them to get in touch.
Help at home for those with SEND - Early Support Service
Tel: 01484 456823
Help at home and in the community for those over 18 with SEND - Community Health and Social Care Hub
Tel: 0300 304 5555
Help for children with a disability - Children with a Disability Service
Tel: 01484 456847
(All links open a new page)
Help and support for children and young people with SEND in education – KIAS
Help and support for parents of children and young people with SEND – PCAN
Tel: 07754 102336
Email: info@pcankirklees.org
Clover leaf Advocacy (opens link in new window)
Help and support for adults with learning disabilities -
Tel: 01924 460211
C+K Careers (opens link in new window)
01484 242000
Email: enquiries@ckcareers.co.uk
Real Employment(opens link in new window)
Tel: 01484 221581
Email: realemployment@kirklees.gov.uk -
Kirklees Employment Service - Richmond Fellowship (opens link in new window)
Tel: 01484 434866
School Transport team
Tel: 01484 221000
Email: school.transport@kirklees.gov.uk
Post 16 Transport team
Tel: 01484 221685
If you are over 18 or are calling about some one who is over 18 then please contact the Community Health & Social Care Team (formerly Gateway to Care) on 0300 304 5555.
en-GBLast updated: 10/11/2021