Kirklees Business Solutions

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Accessibility Statement

Health - My Support Plan checklist for schools

When completing Section 1: About me of the My Support Plan with the family, confirm with them all of the Health professionals who are involved in their child’s care.

Please tick all the Health professionals involved.

School Nurse                                                  ☐  

Nurse Specialist                                              ☐

Speech and Language Therapist                   ☐

Physiotherapist                                               ☐

Occupational Therapist                                   ☐

Health visitor/CDC                                          ☐

Paediatrician                                                   ☐

CAMHS/CHEWs worker                                ☐

GP                                                                   ☐

Other                                                               ☐

If other please specify……………………………………………………………………..

If there is any lack of clarity or missing information, with parental consent please contact Locala – Single Point of Contact Centre on 0300 304 5555 to find out who is involved from health and request further information on behalf of the family. 

  1. Health Care Plans

 General information

A Health Care Plan should be put in place where:

  • There is a health need supported by medical evidence;
  • The child/young person’s health need is impacting on their education and requires management in their setting;

For example, a Health Care plan is necessary when a child has a condition such as asthma (an asthma plan should be in place and parents will have been given doctor’s advice re ongoing management). 

A Health Care Plan can be developed with school and parents, and where necessary and on the judgement of the parents and school, with the support of a Health Professional i.e: School Nurse or Nurse Specialist. 

A Health Professional must be involved in the development of a Health Care Plan when health needs are more complex i.e epilepsy; pain; asthma or is on medication or has a gastrostomy; tracheostomy etc.

 If you require further support from a Health Professional and you are not sure who to contact, with parental consent please contact Locala – Single Point of Contact Centre on 0300 304 5555 to find out who is involved from health and request further information on behalf of the family. 

1a. Does the child/young person have a Health Care Plan?

                  Yes      ☐                 No        ☐         If no, please go to question 1b.

If yes:-

Relevant information relating to the Section 1: ‘About me’ or relating to the child/young person’s SEN/ health needs; outcomes and provision from the Health Care Plan may be transferred into the child/young person’s My Support Plan.

 Please consult with the Parents/Child/Young person and where appropriate the nurse or most appropriate professional to ensure they are happy for this to happen and to agree what specific information should be included in the My Support Plan.

 The Health Care Plan and My Support Plan should be jointly reviewed when appropriate (e.g: the Health Care Plan must be reviewed when there is any change in the child’s health/medical needs so if the MSP is due to be reviewed then the two reviews can be carried out together). This will ensure that the outcomes, steps, targets and provision in the MSP are jointly reviewed, updated and aligned with the Health Care Plan and agreed with the family and all professionals involved with the child or young person. 

1b. When completing Section 1: About me of My Support Plan with the family – Does this discussion alert you that the child/young person has medical needs that may require a Health Care Plan to be put in place?

                 Yes        ☐         If yes, please follow guidance above ‘Health Care Plans’                                                      No          ☐      


 2a. Is a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), Occupational Therapist (OT) and/or Physiotherapist (PT) involved?

              Yes         ☐       If yes, please follow guidance below. 

             No           ☐       If no, please go to question 2b.

Where advice is already being provided by therapists:-

  • Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) will be helping schools and settings to build on their own assessments of the child/young person’s speech, language and communication needs, which can be reflected in Section 2 of My Support Plan.
  • Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists (PT/OT) will be involved in determining the nature and extent of the child/young person’s physical needs which can be reflected in Section 2 (where there is a direct impact on education or training) and/or Section 3 of My Support Plan.

Therapists will work with the family; the school/setting and other professionals where appropriate in order to develop SMART outcomes and steps within My Support Plan.  They will agree arrangements for delivery of provision to enable the child/young person to make progress towards achievement of their outcomes and make appropriate arrangements for reviewing progress, which will be need to be reflected in the relevant sections of My Support Plan. 

Any written reports/advice produced by the therapists will reflect the above. 

2b. When completing Section 1: About me of My Support Plan with the family – Does this discussion alert you to the possibility that the child/young person and their family might benefit from a SALT/PT/OT referral?

              Yes    ☐            If yes, please follow guidance below

             No      ☐              

 To make a referral in North Kirklees go to:-

 To make a referral in Greater Huddersfield go to:-

 Children’s Therapy Website for Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (referral form can be found under ‘Making a Referral’).

Last updated: 21/01/2021