Accessibility Statement

Reduced (part-time) timetables in school

If a child or young person is in an educational setting, the setting may consider using a reduce timetable for various reasons.

A timetable is part-time or reduced when it consists of less time on education than the majority of the other children or young people in that setting.

When should they be used?

Reduced timetables should only be used in exceptional circumstances.  The reasons could be to help a child or young person transition back into school following a longer-term illness or to provide a longer, supported transition into education if the young person is really struggling with a full-time timetable.

Schools may decide to use a reduced timetable for a maximum of 6 weeks, the schools need to discuss this with parent's carers and agree how this will work.  Schools should have a clear plan about how they are going to help the child or young person get back into full-time education.

Schools must ensure they have a clear reason, with evidence for considering a reduced timetable as an appropriate way of supporting the needs of the pupil.

Guidance for schools for part time timetables (opens link in new window)


You can contact the education safeguarding service for further discussions about reduced timetables on or telephone on 01484221919

Where a child has an EHCP, the school or educational setting need to discuss this with SENDACT before a reduced timetable is considered.  Once SENDACT agree to the reduced timetable, the school can put it in place.  They still need to discuss it with parents/carers.

Last updated: 05/10/2020