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Neurodiversity Week Friday - Dyscalculia

Today on our final day on Neurodiversity week we are celebrating individuals with Dyscalculia and all the talents they can bring. 

- The ability to bring creative ideas to everything they do 

- Always have a hands-on approach 

- They can be excellent in using words and language  

- Always have a solution focused approach  


What is Dyscalculia? Dyscalculia is a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding numbers which can lead to a range of difficulties with mathematics. It occurs across all ages and abilities. 

Every individual with dyscalculia is unique, but some common traits include: 

- Understanding simple number concepts and abstract concepts such as time and direction 

- Counting backwards  

- Everyday maths challenges such as dealing with money  

- Maths anxiety and low confidence when asked to complete a maths problem 

- Short-term memory and learning facts about numbers 

- Skipping or misreading numbers when reading from a long list 

Below is some useful resources for parents on Dyscalculia Parent Resources | Neurodiversity Celebration Week ( 

We also have our own information page about Dyscalculia  - Dyscalculia | A-Z of specific conditions | Kirklees SEND Local Offer ( 

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