Accessibility Statement

You said, we did 2020

The comments below are from the 2020 Local Offer report, we have used these comments to help shape the new Kirklees Local Offer.  We want to continue to work with you on the further development of the Local Offer to make it what you want it to be.  If you would like to make a comment, please use the comment buttons at the bottom of any Local Offer page or send us an email at or call 01484 416919. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

You need to listen to what young people want, ie:  sections that reflect what we want to search for

We created a new Young People's area, using the themes identified by young people through the Your Voice engagement project to create content buttons for the young people's area

You need to have a marketing strategy


We are working with the Kirklees communications team to develop our strategy for the new Local Offer

You need to create more interactive content (video, audio, games) and the content has to be simple

When we have created content, we used the simple ethos of “What is it – Who is it for – How do I access it” to ensure the content is simple and clear.  We have also added as much video content as possible (including looking at creating our own).  We are working with schools, young people, activity providers and services to develop more video content.  We will speak with young people about the idea of games on the Local Offer.

Some of the content is a bit ‘wordy’, it also needs more images to make it interesting

Whilst sometimes this is unavoidable, we have tried to use dropdown boxes to contain larger pieces of text, so that only the relevant parts will be read.  We are also working to try and make sure we have images on information pages to keep them interesting.

The search function does not bring up all results – it does not search in the dropdown boxes

We are working with the web developers to ensure the search function searches the whole of the document including the dropdown boxes.

The search function should go straight to an information page, rather than the search landing page

We have discussed this with the developers, but this is not something that can be changed easily.  We had a clear rational as agreed with PCAN about how the search function should operate.  We will monitor the feedback around this function and can consider how we can respond to this.

I am over 25. I am classed as SEN and in need of support. What offers are for me?

We have firstly made sure it is clear that this site provides information, advice and guidance for those aged 0-25, which was not clear before (added 0-25 in the tagline and added information in "About the Local Offer" page to explain this).  We have also created a page called "What about over 25's?" which explains where adults can go for support (signposting to "Community Health and Social Care - formerly Gateway to Care").

Last updated: 13/11/2020