Accessibility Statement

You said, we did 2019

The comments below are from the 2019 Local Offer report, we have used these comments to help shape the new Kirklees Local Offer.  We want to continue to work with you on the further development of the Local Offer to make it what you want it to be.  If you would like to make a comment, please use the comment buttons at the bottom of any Local Offer page or send us an email at or call 01484 416919. 

We look forward to hearing from you.


Where do I find out about Kirklees College and more on Local Provision rather than Specialist Colleges?

We have made links to the C&K (Calderdale and Kirklees) Careers website (opens link in new window) much clearer, and this site lists all local provision at Kirklees and Calderdale colleges.  We held meetings with C&K Careers who re-designed their own web site to align with the Kirklees Local Offer to offer clear information.  We have also included all schools, colleges and post 16 settings in the schools search area.


How are we going to promote it? Who will know - I never find out anything?

Kirklees Local Offer has been promoted in a variety of ways - through the local press, at public events and mail shots to schools, museums, libraries, GP surgeries etc.  The profile of the site is raised internally for staff at training events, staff briefings and network meetings and also to teams making home visits.


Why does it not mention Parents of Children with Additional Needs (PCAN) or any support groups?

We have added a link to PCAN and other parent support groups (opens link in new window plus a link to the Additional Needs Register (opens link in new window).  There are many support groups listed on the Local Offer under their specific headings and we will continue to add them.


EHC – there was a lot of information there that I did not find helpful.  It didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.  Links to ‘next steps’ included in the text would be helpful.

We have updated this information with a list of frequently asked questions on the home page of EHCPs (opens link in new window), including hyperlinks which will take the reader to a specific section.


Why didn't Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) come up in specific search through Local Offer or Google?

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) was being reviewed and re­structured at the time of producing the Local Offer.  New and recent information on this service is now available.  We have produced a page which explains Thriving Kirklees (opens link in new window) (including CAMHS).


Information that would help me?  If there were different steps highlighted I would know which bit I or my child was at and I would be able to click on to and know what I would expect to happen next.

There is a rage of information on the Local Offer to give general advice and support on various aspects of special educational needs and disabilities.  There are links to specialist services which can provide further guidance on stages of development in children, and contact details for anyone who has concerns about how their child is developing.


Maybe search box should be somewhere else - make it more prominent?

The search option is now more prominent and is at the top of every page.

Last updated: 13/11/2020