Accessibility Statement

Changes To Thriving Kirklees

Support will still be available through these services, but the way support is accessed is changing.

How to access support after 1 April:




What is happening to Thriving Kirklees? 

The Thriving Kirklees name will no longer be used to describe children’s, young people’s and family services in Kirklees after 1 April 2024. This includes: Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing, Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19), Peer and Volunteer Led Family Support (Homestart Kirklees), Healthy Start and Safety in the Home (Fresh Futures). Support will continue to be available, but the way support is accessed is changing.

How will it affect me?

Services will continue to be available during the change. It aims to offer a single point of entry for young people so they can access the right services, in the right place at the right time, and only have to tell their story once. Further details on specific services, School Nursing and mental health and wellbeing services, are detailed below.

Which services does this affect?

The services included in the Thriving Kirklees partnership: Locala 0-19 service, Northorpe Hall emotional wellbeing service, South West Yorkshire Foundation Trust (SWYFT) mental health services, Home-Start Kirklees, peer-led support for families, Fresh Futures, Healthy Start and Safety in the Home.

What will continue to be delivered by these services? Locala 0-19 (or 25 with SEND) will continue to provide health visiting and some elements of school nursing services. Kirklees Keep in Mind Children will deliver mental health and wellbeing services for children, young people and their families. Homestart Kirklees will provide peer and volunteer led parenting support to families with young children. Fresh Futures will continue to deliver Healthy Start and Safety in the Home services.

Why are these changes being made?

These services are part of Kirklees Families Together which is a partnership of services working together so families are clear about how and where to access services if they have children aged 0-19 (up to 25 with special educational needs (SEND).

What will continue to be offered by health visiting 0-5 years

The 0-5 years offer delivered by Locala remains the same. All families will receive the following according to individual family needs:
- Antenatal contact
- New birth visit
- 6-8 week contact
- Pre-one check
- 2-2.5yr check
Additional support will be offered to families who are identified with greater needs.

What will change in School Nursing provision and where else can I get support?

Whilst schools support their children and young people with a range of issues, we also wanted to provide signposting support and advice.

Previously accessed through School Nursing Where I can now access this support
Emotional health and wellbeing contacts for low-level mental health issues such as anxiety, low mood and phobias.
Children’s emotional health and wellbeing, as well as mental health provision, will be offered through the new Kirklees Keep In Mind Service (opens link in new window)

Hygiene advice including headlice, menstruation, puberty.

Signposting to pharmacy for headlice or GP if medical support for menstruation/ puberty is required.

Toileting advice including continence, constipation. GP where medical advice is required.

GP to determine if a referral to Children’s Continence Service may be required.

Diet or nutrition advice, including help with disordered eating, growth and weight.

Diet and nutrition advice is given as part of the NCMP programme feedback through parental and school contact at Reception Year and Year 6, and further information can be found at Healthier Families - Home - NHS ( (opens link in new window)

For eating disorders, support is available for those with significant risk or impairment (such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia) from Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) (Kirklees) - South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (opens link in new window)

Information for parents about eating disorders in children and young people is available on the NHS Advice for parents – Eating disorders website and The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat (opens link in new window)

Additional advice may also be obtained from your school and family GP.

Where can I get help when I have a concern about my child’s mental health or wellbeing?

If you are concerned about your child's mental health or wellbeing, please speak to your school if possible. You can also contact the Single Point of Contact  by calling 0300 304 5555.


What are the contact details for the different services?

What are the contact details for the different services? The 0-19 service and emotional health and wellbeing and mental health services can be accessed using the Locala Single Point of Contact (SPoC) telephone number (0300 304 5555).

Home-Start Kirklees can be reached on 01484 421925. Families can self- refer by telephone or using the Home-Start Facebook messenger page.(opens link in new window)

Fresh Futures can be contacted directly by phone on 01484 415465 or

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