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July 2023 Kirklees SEND Newsletter

Extra SEND school places to be created

Plans to provide extra support to Kirklees children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) have reached an exciting new stage.

Kirklees Cabinet members have approved around £1.4million of funding to create extra school places and excellent new facilities.

Permission was given earlier this year to create ‘Additionally Resourced Provisions’ at a number of local schools. These small, nurturing environments will give specialist support to pupils with complex communication and interaction needs, cognition and learning needs and social, emotional and mental health needs.

Funding has now been agreed for a range of works to take place, including remodelling classrooms, creating new facilities and adapting outside spaces to meet children’s needs.

In addition, the council is investing in extra special school places, delivered by existing special schools but located on a different site. These are called ‘Satellite Provisions’.

Southgate School will have up to 20 new places for pupils with complex needs and these will be based at Newsome Academy. Woodley School and College will have up to 16 vocational places for young people with autism. These will be based in a council-owned building in Huddersfield town centre and include a workshop, retail shop and classroom for Woodley pupils.

The total package is part of the council’s work to transform SEND services, increase the number of specialist places for pupils who need them and help all children and young people have the best start in life.

You can find more information by clicking this link which takes you the Kirklees Together news article:
New school places approved for vulnerable Kirklees pupils - Kirklees Together (opens link in new window)

New school for Joseph Norton Academy

A brand-new special school, to be built thanks to major investment from Kirklees Council, has moved a step closer.

The school will be a replacement facility for Joseph Norton Academy, which currently has an attractive location but is also restricted by dated buildings and the size of its site.

Moving to a purpose-built location will support a wide range of pupil needs and enable Joseph Norton Academy to double the number of places it can offer.

The aim is to have 132 places for children and young people who have an Education Health and Care Plan with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. These will be for learners aged 4 to 18.

The preferred site for the replacement new school is land that was formerly home to Huddersfield’s Deighton Centre. This is a central location within Kirklees.

These proposals are being developed but, before planning permission is sought, you can share your views on the project. You can find the details on the Kirklees council website. (opens link in new window)

Introducing Tom, Kieran and Anna

We would like to update you on some staffing changes which will help us to continue improving SEND services in Kirklees.

Providing even better support to children, young people and families with SEND is a major priority for the council. Our work is all about improving outcomes and helping people have the best possible start in life.

Tom Brailsford is now the Strategic Director for Children’s Services. Tom has taken this role on an interim basis and has replaced Mel Meggs, who retired at the end of June. Kieran Lord is now the Service Director for Resources, Improvement and Partnerships, while Anna Gledhill is now the Head of Children’s Improvement, Partnerships and Voice. They will work alongside Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director for Learning and Early Support.

These are all vital roles in overseeing our SEND Transformation Plan and improving the lives of those with additional needs.

Graduated Approach Guidance

The Graduated Approach toolkits were launched on 27th June at the Our Kirklees Futures Summit. These new toolkits build on the Inclusive High Quality Teaching Audit Tool published last year, enabling teachers to identify children and young people who need something additional or different to their peers to make progress, and which may require them to be placed on the Special Needs Register at SEND Support.

The toolkits have been co-produced with representatives from schools and our specialist SEND services who cover the four key areas of SEND. The toolkits will help school staff identify provision that can be put in place to meet the needs of children and young people and to monitor the impact of that provision. The Graduated Approach toolkits can be downloaded from the SENDCo and Professionals area of the Local Offer by going to this link: New Graduated Approach Toolkits.(opens link in new window) Training on how best to use these toolkits will be available to schools in the autumn term.

Kirklees Local Offer Live 2023!

The Kirklees SEND Local Offer is coming to life with a FREE live event!

Why not join us on November 29th at Dewsbury Town Hall?

Come along and chat face to face with the range of activities and services who support children and young people with SEND. They will help you get a better understanding of all the services and support available.

Interpreter support will be available.

There will be some workshops based on the following:
• Working together to support successful transitions
• How schools support SEND and what families can expect from school
• Exploring parenting approaches

There is paid parking available in Dewsbury town centre. There is a cafe on site with other cafes and restaurants nearby.

This event has been co-produced with PCAN. To find out more details about the day and how to book a place on our information sessions, please visit our Local Offer Live! page on the Kirklees SEND Local Offer website at (opens link in new window)

If you would like a PDF version of this newsletter then please use the download link below.

July 2023 Kirklees SEND Newsletter (downloads PDF) (opens link in new window)

Last updated: 07/07/2023